Episode 6 Roman Holiday

We explore how the city of Rome plays a leading role in this delightful movie that uses unique locations and spaces to inspire a romance between a European princess and an American expat journalist. With Audrey Hepburn, Gregory Peck and Eddie Albert, we see Rome with comedy, romance, and ultimately sorrow. Moment in equity: The Hollywood blacklist.

Roman Holiday, Wikipedia (Updated Oct. 9, 2022) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Holiday
Maksym Chornyi, Roman Holiday' Filming Locations, Follow Your Passionated Movies (Nov. 16, 2019) - https://www.recenzent.org.ua/roman-holiday-filming-locations/
Mark Cartwright, The Arch of Septimius Severus, Rome, World History Encyclopedia (June 29, 2013) – https://www.worldhistory.org/article/502/the-arch-of-septimius-severus-rome/ 
Gregory DiPippo, Damnatio Memoriae, Veterum Sapientia Institute: Latin & Greek for Catholics (Feb. 4, 2022) - https://veterumsapientia.org/damnatio-memoriae/ (describing the family history of Septimius Severus and his sons)
Roman Forum, History.com (Updated Aug. 21, 2018) – https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-rome/roman-forum 
Brandon Shaw, 12 Astounding Facts About the Spanish Steps, The Roman Guy (Updated Aug. 9, 2022) – https://theromanguy.com/italy-travel-blog/rome/spanish-steps/the-spanish-steps-romes-modern-day-landmark/
The History of Rome’s Trevi Fountain, Black Tomato (Undated) – https://www.blacktomato.com/us/inspirations/the-history-of-romes-trevi-fountain/ 
Trevi Fountain, Wikipedia (Updated Oct. 9, 2022) – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trevi_Fountain 
Ponte Sant'Angelo | History & Info About the Bridge of Angels, Castel Sant Angelo Tickets (Undated) – https://www.castel-sant-angelo-ticket.com/ponte-sant-angelo/
Princess Margaret
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowden, Wikipedia (Updated Oct. 17, 2022) – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Margaret,_Countess_of_Snowdon 
Peter Townsend (RAF Officer), Wikipedia (Updated Oct. 16, 2022) – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Townsend_(RAF_officer) 
Hollywood Blacklisting, U*X*L Encyclopedia of U.S. History, Encyclopedia.com (Oct. 6,2022) –  https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/hollywood-blacklisting 
House Un-American Activities Committee, U*X*L Encyclopedia of U.S. History, Encyclopedia.com (Oct. 17,2022) –  https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/united-states-and-canada/us-history/house-un-american-activities-committee#3048900288 
Phil Helsel, Kirk Douglas helped end the Hollywood blacklist, but he wasn't alone, NBC News, (Feb. 5, 2020) – https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kirk-douglas-helped-end-hollywood-blacklist-he-wasn-t-alone-n1131256
Episode 6 Roman Holiday
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